The Magic of BNNY RBBT


His real identity is unknown. His real face is never shown. His name is- what else- BNNY RBBT.

In 2017, a man in Macedonia came across a strange discovery- a dusty VHS tape simply titled ‘BNNY RBBT’. Playing the tape revealed a snippet from a 90s-esque music video, starring a 7 foot tall man in a bunny costume beginning to emit the most gut-wrenchingly melancholic yet dream-like vocals you have ever heard…and then the tape cuts out.

The finder of the tape, a man by the name of Boudreaux, immediately posted the footage with a plea for help. This video was a call to action, for people to help uncover anything they could about this lost artist.

It wasn’t long before information began flooding in- complete songs, posters and stickers found all over the world were finding their way to Boudreaux’s inbox. BNNY RBBT was a real artist, whose work was starting to be unearthed and connected through the internet.

The more findings from this artist- the more strange things began to seem. Home videos and interviews of BNNY began to show us that BNNY RBBT was not a man wearing a mask- to BNNY RBBT, there was no mask. This is how he went through the world.

In BNNY RBBT’s songs, one finds themes of alienation, loneliness and loss. This was clearly a creature who felt outcasted from the world around him, however BNNY also sang of love. We know from his home videos that BNNY had a romantic partner, a woman by the name of Sarah who he was deeply in love with.

BNNY RBBT speaks to a certain feeling that lurks in some of us- a feeling that tells us we’re different. A feeling that contains alienation, loneliness and…Like we ourselves don’t quite belong amongst other humans. Yet BNNY also sings of the love and beauty in the world that encompass everything- and how the presence of love prevails against everything else.

BNNY’s disappearance

So, what did happen to BNNY RBBT in the end? Here’s the thing: nobody knows. Disturbing footage was uncovered on a VHS which played after a music video- the scene shows news footage of Sarah at a candlelit vigil, crying and begging the viewers for information on a missing BNNY RBBT. From this, it was gathered that BNNY RBBT went missing in 1995 after being attacked in a park and has not been seen since.

With BNNY RBBT fans being who they are, everything began to be dissected. People began noticing that certain lyrics in his songs alluded to the fact that BNNY knew that he could be in danger. Secret codes were found, storage lockers full of items were uncovered and the locations of lockboxes all over the world- apparently planted by BNNY himself- were scouted out.

The information found by people is vast and more than I can sum up in this blog, but I urge you to look into the rbbt-hole yourself and see what you find. From what was uncovered, it seems like BNNY was aware that he may go missing, but planned on coming back…Yet he never did.

Is this real or fabricated?

To some, BNNY RBBT is a real story of a lost artist who was missing for 27 years before his work was unearthed on accident by a man who wanted to share what he found. To others it is an ARG. But the thing is…It doesn’t really matter.

In a 52 page document put together by fans of BNNY RBBT, the writers beg other fans to not look at this story with cynicism. This is where the magic of BNNY RBBT comes in. The writers state:

“Here's the truth about all of this. Nobody knows who BNNY RBBT is. Nobody can definitively prove whether the videos are fake or real. Nobody knows who is out there planting metal boxes around the globe…Nobody knows anything for sure.

And you know what? Nobody cares.

The only thing that matters -- and this is the simple thing that you absolutely must promise to do forever -- trade in your cleverness and upgrade it to wonder. If you do that... your life is going to be filled with magic, inspiration, artwork, creativity, love and, yes... BNNY RBBT!”

And that is the magic of BNNY RBBT. The story surrounding this artist is as strange and dream-like as his music. BNNY RBBT preaches love, magic and wonder in a world that seems so mundane, isolating and filled with pain.

I can’t tell you for certain whether or not BNNY RBBT was real or fabricated, however I can tell you that this story and this music is something worth experiencing.